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South Bend Fly Rod 
Indsendt Torsdag d. 25 september 2003 - af  John Madsen
Den ultimative Fluestang

Finally technology has caught up with the Fly Fisherman! The South Bend Fly Rod is everything the Pro´s has been waithing for.
The big one won´t get away when you´re packing this fly stick. From the moment you pick it up, you can feel the difference. Talk about strength, the Fly Rod´s single chambered rod barre! can take on the best of em.
Go ahead... simulate a reel swat. You can feel the quick, sure precision of its movement as it responds to your every command. And you will never ´´fly of the handle´´ with the Fly Rod´s ultra comfort grip. Feturing a Buzz-Proof material, the Fly Rod is so fast that you´ll catch em before they bite every time.
Step up to a unique and different type of fly fishing with South Bend´s Fly Rod.

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